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Our Web-based Business Automation Solution is an organization-wide solution which can aid in the control of business activities, such as on-line application and approval, connect these business activities with one another and deliver instant information in forms of to-do-list, reminders and reports to authorized users throughout a WAN environment. We use the following tools to simplify the workflows and handle massive information flow along the workflows.

is used to design processes, rules, events and exceptions. By using this environment, system administrators can create a user directory to define users in the system by name, department, role and even potential authority level. And this directory will enable tasks to be sent automatically to the defined resources and it also becomes the communication infrastructure that forwards tasks to the appropriate individual.

The process designer can help us to design workflow and keeps track of the states and variables for all of the active processes.

With a 3-tier architecture design (Client Tier, Application Server Tier and Data Server Tier), our solution can provide fast response time in high-load situations and maintain strong data integrity, security and stability. Further, our solution requires no client side installation and is maintained centrally. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can access the solution through typical web browsers, such as Internet Explorer.

• Track and control business processes to effectively enhance service quality
• Improve productivity through process automation
• Enhance information flow within organization and enhance communication with partners, customers, suppliers and vendors
• Reduce working time on daily operation

Our sales team will provide professional consultation service to assist you in choosing the best solution that fits for your organization needs. Please call our enquiry hotline at 2749 3325 for further details.


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